Tuesday, October 16, 2007

First Post!

Hello!! Okay, so I have had this blog for like a million years and I have yet to post something on it! So, here it is! The wonderful, exciting FIRST POST! : ) My Aunt Twila will be proud of me! hehe

Anyway, so life is so hectic right now that I don't even know when to do what anymore!?!?! AHHH! It is crazy-wazy...I am in my senior year at WT, training to become the best elementary teacher ever! I am soooo excited about this, and it feels so right. I know that there are a certain few on the face of this earth that are selected to become teachers, and I am one of them. WHAT WAS I THINKING??? hehehe NO, really, I love it!

I am so blessed! I don't think I have ever told anyone this before, but I have the BEST husband in the world! Things are so hectic, we have little money, our house is a wreck and I am at my wits end...and he continues to stand by my side and still treat me like the queen he married 7 years ago! I LOVE THAT! He supports me in my decision to be a teacher, even though I did take a slight pay-cut from becoming a doctor! hehehe, j/k. We couldn't be happier! And what is so weird is our life is completely upside-down from where we started. God's grace is amazing! He continues to grant us the courage we need to overcome life's challenges. I could definitely be in a hospital room begging for something to knock me out right now, but no...I am sitting here typing a blog saying that I am so happy I cannot stand it! I am pumped about this semester being over...I just got a new job that will go hand and hand with my schooling...and I have friends and family around me everywhere that I am extremely thankful for! Life couldn't be better...oh, wait...I got a little carried away there. Yes it can! : )

So, the reason I come here today is the fact that my myspace has gone kurplunk!! hehe I have nooooo idea what happened but all but one of my friends have been deleted, my background is non-existant, and all of my comments are gone. But hey, life is still great! And I needed somewhere to put that down for everyone to read!